Richard Bruynel Research Prize

The award celebrates the legacy of a former member, Richard Bruynel, who was eager to encourage actuaries to carry out and share in a formal way high quality research. Richard left a bequest to the Society in the form of a prize fund for the best paper presented to the biennial conference.  Papers are to be innovative, original and have some practical use.

Awarded 2023 conference paper

Dan Stoner and Isabella Lyons

Algorithm or Expert? A review of actuarial and expert risk assessment in health and social services

Awarded 2021 conference paper

The prize was awarded to John Gibbs, Jenny Hu, and Matthew Bloomer  from the Ministry of Social Development, for their paper ‘What happened to people who left the benefit system during the year ended 30 June 2019.’ The judges were equally impressed by the conference presentation, which also included Jeffrey Azzato and Ho Chang Choi as presenters.

Awarded 2019 for 2018 conference paper

Jeremy Holmes, Marcella Lau and Aaron Park
An actuarial approach to modelling vehicle injuries and fatalities

Awarded 2017 for 2016 conference paper 

Ben Coulter
Risk adjustments: Can life actuaries learn something from GI actuaries?

Awarded 2015 for 2014 conference paper

Christine Ormrod, Alison O’Connell, Catherine Edgar, Daniel Mussett, Jonathan Eriksen and Mark Channon
Income streaming and retirement: options for New Zealand

Awarded 2013 for 2012 conference paper

Robert Cole
Canterbury Earthquakes 2012-2012: Insurance supervision in the first 2 years

Awarded 2011 for 2010 conference paper

Andrea Gluyas and Christine Ormrod
New Zealand Superannuation Scheme Valuation Assumptions

Awarded 2009 for 2008 conference paper

John Feyter
Durational Effects in a Health Insurance Portfolio